How to setup VIM auto indentation properly for editing Python files - As seasoned practitioners in the programming domain, we grasp the significance of a seamless coding experience. Configuring VIM auto-indentation for editing Python files can notably bo
n our example program above, notice that the two curly braces at the end of the program are at the same indentation level, which cannot happen in a valid program. Therefore, simply delete one of the curly braces for the code to compile, the error will go away as shown below: $ javac...
Indentation: Python uses indentation for each code block, whereas Java and C++ use curly braces. Punctuation: Java and C++ require semicolons to end each line, while Python does not. Printing to the console or terminal: The syntax for printing to the console differs, as shown in the last ...
As with any text file, I can open XML files in any text editor. However, common editors like Notepad and Word probably won’t display the XML files with colors or indentation. This makes the files less readable, as seen in the example below. I usually opt for a specialized text editor ...
A code linter like ESLint will also report syntax errors, bad indentation, and undeclared variables. ESLint is a Node.js tool you can install globally with: npm i eslint -g You can check JavaScript files from the command line using: eslint mycode.js …but it’s easier to use an edito...
Alternatively, you can use--inspect-brkto set a breakpoint on the first statement so the application is paused immediately. Open Chrome and enterchrome://inspectin the address bar. Note: if the Node.js application does’t appear as aRemote Target, ensureDiscover network targetsis checked, the...
// is NODE_ENV set to "development"? const DEVMODE = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'); if (DEVMODE) { console.log('application started in development mode on port ${PORT}'); } NODE_DEBUG enables debugging messages using the Node.js util.debuglog (see below), but also ...
Hadoop uses a particular style of formatting. When contributing to the project, you are required to follow the style guidelines: Java formatting with all spaces and indentation as well as tabs set to 2 spaces. To do that: Go to Window -> Preferences. ...
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": trueTrim whitespace in files "editor.multiCursorModifier": "alt"When clicking the Alt key and clicking with the mouse, I can select multiple lines "editor.detectIndentation": trueAdapt to the file indentation, useful when editing other people code ...
After that, try to revise it once more by adding an additional indentation for the ‘db:’ value of the ‘services:’ key definition. In this context, the editing process of ‘docker-compose.yml’ is using Visual Code Editor. So...