Bad Tabs(Indentation) auto-detection. Bug Description: Hi, I found that Theia has bad tabs auto-detection. Instead of tabs I get spaces. Theia, downloaded yesterday. VSCode works ok. I tested this file:
cleanup preferences .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.html.core.prefs embedded CSS .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.css.core.prefs embedded JS Use the export in the Eclipse editor configuration dialog JS editor preferences Use...
open up Window->Preferences->XML->XML Files->Editor check the "Split multiple attributes each on a new line" and adjust other options according to your liking (such as Indent using spaces and Indentation size) press OK to save the options all you have to do now is press Ctrl-Shift-F o...
Just bought the new Intellij14 and now I have to discover that each time I hit enter typing in some control structure code (like switch-case) it automatically tries to put it on the the "right place" but its not. E.g. After hitting enter after each case ... : it puts it one mor...
How to setup VIM auto indentation properly for editing Python files - As seasoned practitioners in the programming domain, we grasp the significance of a seamless coding experience. Configuring VIM auto-indentation for editing Python files can notably bo
check the "Split multiple attributes each on a new line" and adjust other options according to your liking (such as Indent using spaces and Indentation size) press OK to save the options all you have to do now is press Ctrl-Shift-F or select Source->Format ...
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 完美解决方法*️ 解决方法: 使用统一的编码规范:通过在项目中引入 .editorconfig 或类似的配置文件,确保团队所有成员在不同平台上使用一致的编码风格。...# 使用autopep8自动格式化代码 autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive your_script....
check the "Split multiple attributes each on a new line" and adjust other options according to your liking (such as Indent using spaces and Indentation size) press OK to save the options all you have to do now is press Ctrl-Shift-F or select Source->Format ...
He also has a unique uneven indentation arc on that, that's what I'm trying to figure out. Report Reply 0 Likes Anonymous in reply to wispoxy 08-19-2015 05:45 AM Patchy, thanks for your reply! In my objects there are two different fillets with different radius. The ra...
Eclipse+PHPEclipse插件 21 1.6.3 UltraEdit 21 1.6.4 EditPlus 22 1.6.5 支持PHP的IDE环境 22 1.7 小结 23 第2章 PHP的基础语法 24 2.1 语言构成与工作原理 24 2.2 常量与变量 25 2.2.1 常量的定义 25 2.2.2 变量的定义 26 2.2.3 变量的作用域 27 2.2.4 动态变量 29 2.3 运算符和关键字 29 ...