Customer has customized some of our TCL Scripts and created new variables. The user may call a Dialog (the User Function) whose default values and selectable items depends on the variable values from tcl. The changes made in the Dialog have to be written back to some ot...
Try to use source command in Modelsim Transcript. "Tools > tcl > Execute Macro" will use the do command instead. For example: set script_path [file dirname [info script]] puts "The path of the currently executing script is: $script_path" This'...
July 3, 2023 Post type Blog Topic MySQL Database Topic Python Topic Web Development Languages Build an App With FastAPI for Python It's called "fast" for a reason! Here's what you need to know about FastAPI to quickly build application programming interfaces using Python. ...
We do this by declaring a global variable named CF_HTML in the form unit's implementation section and by registering the format with Windows in the initialization section, storing the format identifier in CF_TEXT. Listing 12 illustrates the code. 1... 2 3implementation 4 5... 6 7var CF...
set env(TEMP) c:\temp To remove or unset an environment variable from the Tcl shell, type:unset env(<VARIABLE>) To remove or unset an environment variable from the Tcl shell, type: unset env(<VARIABLE>) Example:unset env(TEMP) To see the value of an environment variable in the Tcl ...
Just store it into a variable. For instance, in MacOS: $ ORIG_DATE=$(date -jf "%b/%e/%Y" $DATE +%s) To see the current date in seconds since epoch: $ date +%s 1704965965 So now to calculate the difference in seconds, it's trivial: $ echo $(( $(date ...
No part of this manual may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from The MathWorks, Inc. FEDERAL ACQUISITION: This provision applies to all acquisitions of the Program and Documentation by, for, or through the federal government of the United States. By ...
First, set the OpenOCD executable path. If OpenOCD was installed following the recommended instructions from the GNU MCU plug-in installation guide(see section 1.1.1), Eclipse should auto detect the latest version of OpenOCD and you should be able to use global variable to define your path....
There's an entire thread on the proc & how to use it. If you can't figure out which mom variable has the info you want, set the dialog value to something like "1.23456" and then search above options 2/3 for "1.2345" (leave off the last digit as mom...
If you get this error on running: lmp_mpi: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, add the destination to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable in ~/.bashrc. Do $source ~/.bashrc ...