Load the image file for your game character using char_img = pygame.image.load("character.png"). Create a rectangle object to represent the character's dimensions by calling char_rect = char_img.get_rect(). To position the character in the center of the game window, set the center of ...
tick():Use this function to set the frame rate of the game. By default, the frame rate is set to 60 FPS. To set it to 30 FPS, simply add the following line of code: clock.tick(30) get_fps(): You can retrieve the current frame rate of the game using get_fps. To use this f...
The game then checks for events usingpygame.event.get()to detect any user input, such as clicking the close button to quit the game. If the user presses the space key, theworld.update("jump")method is called to handle the bird's jump action. If the'r'key is pressed, theworld.update(...
ifgame_over():game_over_screen()returnupdate_snake()draw_objects()pygame.display.update()clock.tick(15)# limit the frame rate to 15 FPS After handling the events, we check if the game is over. If it is, we display the game over screen and exit the function. If it's not, we updat...
update the rects position to your (invisible) mouse position draw the image at the location of the rect Here is a short code example: pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) cursor_img_rect = cursor_img.get_rect() while True: # in your main loop update the position every frame and blit the ...
In your game loop, you want to call it every iteration, passing the target frame rate: clock = pygame.time.Clock() while running: delta = clock.tick(60) # … To measure elapsed time you want to use get_ticks() instead: Example: start = pygame.time.get_ticks() #… elapsed = pyg...
I've set theENEMY_GRAVITYto3and callclock.tick(30)to limit the frame rate. Thedirectionattribute doesn't seem to be necessary anymore. classEnemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite):def__init__(self, game, pos): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) ...
1Mthe given bitrate that we want to have after executing the command. -rthe framerate (fps) followed by the number of framerate. -ssize switch followed by the new size,848x480. -ssthe start timestamp, while-tspecifies the actual duration of the clip in seconds. ...
Resume: When the resume method is called, it uses the frame stored in an object to know where to continue from. Resume uses the clip.setMicrosecondPosition(nowFrame) to reset the audio stream to the position it was at when the pause method was called....
importpygameimportosimportsysimporttimefrompygameimportmixerimportSprite1''' Setup '''pygame.init() width =960height =720fps =40# frame rate#ani = 4 # animation cyclesclock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_caption('B.S.G.!!!') surface = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)...