How to set x axis in a plot?팔로우 조회 수: 1 (최근 30일) Fabian Moreno 2021년 11월 28일 추천 0 링크 번역 댓글: Fabian Moreno 2021년 11월 28일 채택된 답변: Chunru Hello, I would like to know if is possible to set the X- ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: I am trying to set the upper x-axis (ax2) tick values and locations: ThemeCopy x_a = linspace(71.8131,36.9931,10); y = linspace(0.16,1,10); x_b = linspace(0.0163,0.0069,10)./0.1016; figure; ax1 = axes; plot(ax1, x_a, y, 'k');...
% Set the 'XDisplayLabels' property of the heatmap % object 'h' to the custom x-axis tick labels h.XDisplayLabels = CustomXLabels; h.YDisplayLabels = CustomYLabels; clim([10^-5 10^0]); gridoff Note that my A matrix is in my case different, but for this example I do not ...
To change the x and y-axis limits in Matlab, you can use the "xlim" and "ylim" functions. For example, to change the x-axis limits to -3.85 and 3.85, you can use the following code: xlim([-3.85 3.85]) Similarly, for the y-axis limits, you can use the following c...
How to set map limits on mapshow?. Learn more about geoshow, mapshow, shapefile, shaperead, worldmap, polygon, limit, axes
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: You can do something like this x = 1:10;%x data y = x + round(rand(1,length(x)),2);%random y data p = plot(x,y,'-o');%plot p.Parent.XAxisLocation ='top';%move the x axis to the top ...
MATLAB Online で開く Assuming that you want to plot the magnitude of the z component of the electric field in a 2D space specified by the variables“x” and “y” and all the data is in the form of arrays, you can use the “imagesc” fun...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: You can do something like this x = 1:10;%x data y = x + round(rand(1,length(x)),2);%random y data p = plot(x,y,'-o');%plot p.Parent.XAxisLocation ='top';%move the x axis to the top ...
would work (regardless of the axis scaling, however it may be necessary to experiment to get the result you want).
These commands add a title to the plot and label the x and y axes. Customize Axes and Grid You can customize the appearance of the plot’s axes and grid lines using functions likeaxisandgrid. For instance: % Customize axes and gridaxis([-10,10,-10,10]);% Set axis limitsgrid on;%...