1 第一,求下图函数y=sin(x^2)exp(x),x-->0时的极限。2 第二,启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),在脚本编辑区输入如下代码:close all; clear all; clcsyms xy=sin(x^2)*exp(x);limy=limit(y,x,0)plot([-2:0.01:2],subs(y,x,[-2:0.01:2]),'r','LineWidth',...
x,0) % limit求函数的极限h = ezplot(fx) % 快速绘制符号函数的图像set(h,'color','r','LineWidth',3)axis([0,5,0,30]) % 设置坐标轴尺度范围 4 第四
Thank you again for your time. I have to say that it was a good try. I tried it with my matrix and did not work.Why
I just want to set the lower limit of the y-axis to zero. But with 'ylim', I have to also set the upper limit, which I do not know what value is appropriate. What should I do? 2 Comments Mathieu NOE on 19 Apr 2024 you could set the upper li...
param_grid={'C': [1, 10], 'kernel': ('linear', 'rbf')}, plt.title('original'), plt.axis('off') tree.right = TreeNode(threshold, high.y.mean()) e=cv2.erode(o, k) plt.scatter(res1[:,0], res1[:,1], c = 'g', marker = 's')...
Impostare i limiti dell’asse utilizzando la funzione axis() in MATLABPer impostare i limiti degli assi di un grafico in MATLAB, puoi usare la funzione axis(). È possibile inserire il valore minimo e massimo di ogni asse in questa funzione. Per impostare il limite dell’asse x e ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 테마복사 function pong clc clear all close all global x global y global y1 global y2 global h_rec1 global h_rec2 h_fig=figure; set(h_fig, 'KeyPressFcn', @kpfcn) axis([-10 10 -10 10]); y5=...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi, I modified my code like this: x = 1:5; y = 1:5; load('test.mat') fori = 1:4 axisLim = 0.0007; axi_lim = [0, 0.0007]; zlim(axi_lim) set(gca,'ZScale','log'); subplot(1, 4, i) surf(x, y, errPreStore{i...
Y axis log transform: set to 'Yes' if the variance of your data is proportional to your signal (i.e. variance is some percentage of signal, so high concentration samples have higher absolute variance). This will normalise the variances, so there should be no scaling of variance with concen...
rng('default'); clf x1 = [-1 1 1 -1 -1]; y1 = [-1 -1 1 1 -1]; plot(x1,y1,'c') axis([-1.5 1.5 -1.5 1.5]); axis square; grid; hold on Plot the projection of the square. Get p = A*[x1;y1]; plot(p(1,:),p(2,:),'r') r = 2*rand(2,1000)-1; pr =...