Organize your papers in one place. Try Paperpile. No credit card needed Get 30 days freeStep 1: Go to the Scopus author search form Open the Scopus author search form or the free version if you do not have access to Scopus. Given the millions of articles published each year, the chances...
it aspires to be “the world’s largest e-book library” as well as “the world’s largest scientific papers repository.” Interestingly, Z-Library also describes
We address the following research questions: (1) What are the characteristics and objectives of each search path? (2) How do problem framing and boundary spanning mechanisms facilitate the identification of solutions? Our findings draw on 18 open innovation projects to study how innovation ...
IEEE DataPortis a valuable and easily accessible data platform that enables users to store, search, access, and manage data. The data platform is designed to accept all formats and sizes of datasets (up to 2TB), and it provides both downloading capabilities and access to datasets in the Cloud...
for research papers on the arts, humanities, literature, or history—but if you’re writing in the science, finance, education, and social science fields, look for sources published in the past two to three years. This is because science-related fields are fast-paced and are quickly changing...
All citations data is sourced from Elsevier Scopus. A minimum publication threshold is set for each subject to avoid potential anomalies stemming from small numbers of highly cited papers. Both the minimum publications threshold and the weighting applied to the citations indicator are adapted in ...
There were no date limits set with papers retrieved published between 1998 and June 2023. Four electronic databases (PsycINFO, ERIC [Proquest], Scopus, and PubMed) were selected to cover the broad range of disciplines relevant to autism research. A comprehensive range of search terms were used...
Educators assign research papers to test your knowledge of a particular area and academic writing skills. The length of your paper may vary depending on the topic or assignment. Complex issues requiring extensive research and more explanations will run around 4,000–6,000 or even 10,000 words,...
search Key points Introduction During the many years of a professional training, junior staff in most fields will need to decide whether to spend time reading relevant research papers. This article offers advice on how to navigate this question. Should you read, and what should you read, during...
Our objective is to identify the transactions-based measure that best describes actual liquidity on a cryptocurrency exchange. Data on best bid and ask prices and order books are hard to obtain and process.5 As such, few papers use full order book data to study the liquidity of cryptocurrency...