Check Your Journal Indexed in Scopus or Not ->Search Now This is an article about how to identify Scopus indexed journals. It discusses what Scopus is and the difference between SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journals. It also details steps to follow to find if a journal is indexed in Scopus. F...
To make it come true, the government and operators limit the vehicle load rate to less than 50%, and the passengers in the vehicles must wear masks and are forbidden to sit next to each other. The governments and operators check the body temperature of drivers and passengers in advance ...
For example, Nature papers should be cited in the form; Author(s) Nature advance online publication, day month year (DOI 10.1038/natureXXX). After print publication, you should give the DOI as well as the print citation, to enable readers to find the paper in print as well as online. ...
To combat the spread of COVID-19, many primary and secondary schools in the United States canceled classes and moved instruction online. This study examines an unexplored consequence of COVID-19 school closures: the broken link between child maltreatment victims and the number one source of report...
How to ensure dataset quality when downloading for free? Verify citations, check for peer-reviewed sources, and read user reviews on platforms like Kaggle. What are the citation guidelines for IEEE datasets? Cite the original paper and dataset source using IEEE citation style. Include DOIs or UR...
Finally, we limited the publication year to 2000 for the reason that online meal-delivery is a relatively young industry, recognizing that some of the first companies in continental Europe were founded in 2000 and 2001 [87]. Recognizing that many scholars use Scopus for literature reviews, we ...
Here's your ultimate guide on how to write a research paper. Get the structure, the formatting, and nice topics to cover; check examples to use while writing.
Ask a librarian or check your library's A-Z resource list to find out which databases you can access. If you do not know where to start, you can check out the three biggest academic database providers: ProQuest EBSCO Ovid ➡️ Take a look at our compilations of research databases for...
However, that did not mean that the sample was not representative for the population (Visser et al., 1996), but it did mean that we needed to check and correct for potential bias. To this end, we compared our descriptive statistics with previous studies targeting the founders of technology-...
So the results of this task are validated by the human workers to check if those analogies make sense and express gender stereotypes. A gender subspace is captured by the top component of a principal component analysis computed on ten gender pairs of difference vectors. Later on, the authors ...