But if you haven't found anything yet, you can still search for statutes and regs online like you do with cases. Once you know which statute or reg is pertinent to your case, pull up the annotated version on Westlaw. Why the annotated version? Because the annotations will include vital i...
The Constitution— A constitution is the supreme legal document of a sovereign state from which all the statutes, legal machinery, executives, etc., gain their legality and authority. The supreme authority of the Constitution is the last source to determine whether a certain action or omission can...
All of this happens in a matter of seconds. In fact, Lexis+ AI delivers answers 2X faster than Westlaw Precision AI and users in our commercial preview survey (November 2023) reported saving up to 11 hours per week using Lexis+ AI. In addition, it’s important to...
Thelawchanges,butNoloisontopofit!Weofferseveral waystomakesureyouandyourNoloproductsareuptodate: alwaysuptodate 2 1 3 Webelieveaccurate,plain-Englishlegalinformationshouldhelp yousolvemanyofyourownlegalproblems.Butthistextisnota substituteforpersonalizedadvicefromaknowledgeablelawyer. ...