of a numeric connector such as/3must appear a designated number of terms apart. The sample Terms and Connectors search tells WESTLAW to retrieve documents in which the phrase "intentional tort" appears in the same paragraph as the term "physical," which itself must appear within three terms ...
Advanced Search templates assist with searching by using field restrictions. All documents on Westlaw NZ are composed of several fields. Rather than searching entire documents (a free text search) you can restrict your search to one or more fields. Fields are content sensitive, so fields in case...
Westlaw資料庫特色2 •『WestlawKeyNumber&DigestSystem』係美國國家通報者系統(NationalReporterSystem)所報導的一部份(包括聯邦及各州郡)•『KeyCite』提供判決、尚未通過的法案及專利等多項引用功能•『Add/RemoveTabs』提供個人化主題的檢索模組(Tab)及法案 追蹤Alert功能(僅供個人密碼使用者使用)Westlaw資料...
3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and exclud...
To begin where that prior review ended, citations to highly structured documents like statutes, regulations, and court rules commonly require more than the section or rule number. The copied material may lie deep within a nested framework of numbered or lettered subsections and paragraphs. A full...
matterofthearticles youwanttofind. WestlawautomaticallyassumestheConnectorAND/&withmultiplekeywords.Thismeansthatyoursearchwillreturn alldocumentscontainingthosewordsincludingdocumentswherethewordsdonotappeartogethere.g.waterpollution willfindalldocumentswherewaterandpollutionappearsomewhereinthetext.Ifyouwanttosearchfor...