A popular way to say “stay at home” is to use the verb “宅” / zhái which is used to mean “hang out at home”, rather than the more formal verb “待” /dāi (to stay [at a place]). During this National Day Holiday week, you’ll hear a lot of Chinese people using the ...
②说的话:~论 | ~辞(亦作“言词”) | 语~ | ~语 | ~简意赅。 ③汉语的字:五~诗 | 七~绝句 | 洋洋万~。 ④语助词,无义:~归于好 | “~告师氏,~告~归”。 ⑤姓。 English Definitions words, speech; speak, say Homoionym 文 曰 印 吐 字 讲 言 词 刻 念 性 话 ...
Teochew Mogher web site provides both a place to learn about the Chaozhou dialect and a dictionary in the Chaozhou dialect.The Chaozhou dialect is one of the oldest Chinese dialects and preserves many elegant and refined features from ancient Chinese tha
Chinese word for nuts,Chinese word for results,Chinese word for wild fruits,Happy Mother's Day in Chinese,How to say Congo in Chinese,How to say first in the class in Chinese,how to say if in Chinese,How to say indeed in Chinese,How to say loaded with fruits in Chinese,How to say ...
A few words in Chinese may be required lots of words to explain in English. 大事化小,小事化无 被翻译成 Try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 心照不宣 被翻译成 Thoroughly understand each other, without having exchanged a word of explan...
别客套 (Bié kètào.) and 不客气 (Bù kèqì.) both mean “You are welcome.”; in other words, “no need to be courteous”. 榨菜(zhàcài) is pickled mustard, a lowly, commonplace dish. The older sister remarks sarcastically that 逗逗 made this treat especialy for the guests. ...
How to saystoringin Chinese What's theChineseword forstoring? Here's a list of translations. Chinese Translation 存储 Cúnchú More Chinese words for store 储存verb Chúcúnstockpile,deposit,garner,lay in,lay up 储藏verb Chúcángdeposit,stockpile,keep ...
How to sayalimentationin Chinese What's theChineseword foralimentation? Here's a list of translations. Chinese Translation 营养 Yíngyǎng More Chinese words for alimentation 帮忙noun Bāngmángalimentation 馈送noun Kuìsòngfeed,feeding Find more words!
1. Some basic words for telling time in Chinese diǎn点o'clock bàn半half kè刻quarter(of an hour) fēn分minute miǎo秒second Here are some examples: 8: 05 bādiǎn línɡ wǔ fēn八点零五分(Five to Eight) 10:30 shí diǎn bàn十点半(half past ten / ten thirty) ...
The Easiest Way to Say Hello in Chinese Ni hao(pronounced "nee haow") is the basic, default greeting in Mandarin Chinese. It is written as 你好 (nǐ hǎo).Ni hao's meaning is, literally, "you OK/good." Although both words in Pinyin are marked as third tone (nǐ hǎo), the pronun...