Botanical Name:Tradescantia pallida If you've never grown Purple Heart Plant, you may want toadd it to your collection. It's in the spiderwort family along with the purple-and-silvery green striped Inch Plant, and you'll find it's just as easy to grow.T. pallidais also known asSetcreas...
Tradescantia zebrina (commonly known as wandering Jew, spiderwort, or inch plant) is popular for a reason: This beginner-friendly houseplant is low-maintenance and grows quickly. It’s also super easy to propagate more plants so you can fill your home with more of the colorful striped foliage...
Natural variegation on Tradescantia This type of variation occurs when the patterns or colors of the variegation are written into the DNA of the whole plant. It will occur regularly throughout the entire plant, not randomly on some parts as in chimeric or viral variegation. This variegation is ...