How do you say not bad in French? How do you say go to in French? How do you say delicious in French? How do you say you're the best in French? How do you say good work in French? How do you say alright in French?
How to say what a pity in French Using Idiomatic Expressions: There are many expressions in French that do not translate word for word from English. These are called idiomatic expressions. ''What a pity'' is an example of this type of expression. ...
Mother said, I have to say to her, she agreed to let me go with you. My heart with ring, how could it be? She really make me? 母亲说,我已经给她说了,她同意了我带你走。我的心轰然而响,怎么可以?她真的如此舍得我? 2. Was the guide easy to use and understand or...
Did you know people who don’t respect French drinking traditions get 7 years of bad luck? This guide shows you how to say cheers in French and avoid this terrible curse!
Yes,literally,Bien faitmeans“Well done.”But it’s never used as“Well done!”in spoken French by itself. Instead, it means:“Serves you right.” = “You deserved that bad thing that happened to you.”We also sayBien fait pour toi !
Numberone, IhavefeltallofthosethingsinmyFrenchandnumbertwo, thoseareallthingsthatmystudentshavesaidtomewhentheyfirststartedlearningwithme.第一,我在学习法语的过程中也有以上的感受,第二,这些都是我的学生第一次和我一起学习时对我说的话。Sointoday'slesson, Iwanttosharefivereasonsthatyoumightbestuckin...
Things often seem like a big deal when they’re really not. You can use this to quickly disarm a tense situation in which someone thinks you’re upset with them, or just to comfort someone who’s having a hard time. Notice that then’is usually left off in spoken French. ...
If love is a universal language, and "I love you" is the most important thing to say, how will you tell the world how you feel? Here are more than 165 ways to say "I love you" in different languages.
Want to see any immediate boost to your French oral comprehension? Learn how to deal with filler words that are slowing you down.
You know, some say it takes two to tango. But sometimes, lurking in the dark is athird.tango:动词。跳探戈舞lurk:(不怀好意地)潜藏third:这里作名词,第三个人的意思 04:24 Just a reminder, I've got that project due tomorrow.just a reminder:跟你提醒一下due:按预期(完成、结束或到达)的 04...