1. Ching Chong Ching Chong可以说是北美长达数十年排华史的最典型的一个代表,没有到过北美的人可能理解不到,即便那些打死都不承认自己是中国人的ABC、CBC们,小时候也都有被人当面用Ching Chong羞辱的痛苦回忆。 这个词在Urban Dictionary上的解释也非常明确地指出了它的歧视性: (图片来自Urban Dictionary截图) ...
在德国上学,经常有德国学生看见我就喊ching chang chong,我该怎么办? 大了个兔 我弟弟,在西班牙上学,他同学对他拉眼角,他上去就是一顿揍,给揍哭了,老师问咋了,他如实告知,并告诉老师以后见他一次打他一次,老师找家长,我们全家表示打的好,以后鼓励他继续打,不行就报警。 老师无奈,转头两边安抚,这件事就了了...
Ultimately, however, the Japanese settled on the term shūkyō 宗教 as the generic all-embrassing translation for “religion.” Thus, in modern-day Japan, Buddhism belongs to a universal group that also includes Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, the Japanese government does ...
But amongst all of the different variations and adaptions, it was the image of Donnie Yen which remained as the representation of Ip Man that stuck in people’s minds the most. When it was announced that there was going to be a sequel to Yen and Yip’s take on the master, it was ...
We also demonstrate using phase-diagrams how such a tax can switch the economic dynamics from non-sustainability to sustainability.doi:10.1016/j.iref.2014.08.007Cyrus Chu, C.Y.Lai, Ching-ChongLiao, Chih-HsingElsevierInternational Review of Economics & Finance...
immigrants and other Asian diasporas thrive in the US are not merely false but damaging; community advocates say the model minority stereotype is part of the reason predominantly Chinese neighborhoods receive a disproportionately small slice of the government funding meant to support lower-income ...