2024年3月27日 英语(美国) 菲律宾语 日语 艾马拉语 关于日语的问题 How to say in Japanese? Good Day Fujihara-san Hope you are doing well. I would just like to ask regarding WIP200 Capability Table. Do you consider charging ratio for our racks? currently we are proposing to consider charging...
更新于2024年9月4日 mimichinmimi 2024年9月4日 英语(美国) 半母语者 日语 关于日语的问题 How to say in japanese: Today, Grandpa bought me a ring 💍 as a birthday present. He was so excited that he even opened the gift himself to show me. While opening it, he kept asking, ‘Isn’...
Yahhо̄is a cute way to say hello in Japanese that tends to be linguistically feminine. There are a few theories about its origins. While it does sound like the greeting “yoo-hoo!” in English, the predominant theory is that it comes from theGerman wordjohoo, which is historically use...
Interestingly, the kanji for ofukuro (お袋) literally translates to ‘honorable bag’. Its origins are unclear, but nowadays, the word is typically written in hiragana. So many words for mother in Japanese!As you can see, there are many ways to say mother or mom in Japanese!
June 19, 2024September 19, 2023 by Hannah Stafford Team Japanese uses affiliate links. That means that if you purchase something through a link on this site, we may earn a commission (at no extra cost to you). 30 shares Share Tweet Pin Now that we know how to express happiness in Ja...
Japanese:そろそろお布団に入るね Romaji:sorosoro ofuton ni hairune This Japanese phrase is commonly told to kids to imply that their bedtime is coming. They are expected to stop whatever they are doing and go to bed. It’s also okay to say this to a close friend, but keep in mind ...
2024年3月28日 俄语 英语(美国) 日语 中文(简体) 关于日语的问题 piyo-piyo-chan 2024年3月28日 日语 英语(英国) 半母语者 働き者(はたらきもの)と言います。 Highly-rated answerer [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正!
Over time I’ve started thinking about this more broadly. How can you prepare someone for what you are about to say? How can you improve the odds that you will be understood? What pieces of language enable a conversation partner to predict what you’re going to say next?
How to say age in Japanese?这个在 日语 里怎么说? AI_monga 2024年7月20日 Formal Japanese: 日本語で年齢はどう言いますか? 复制 Casual Japanese: 日本語で年はどう言うの? 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation, the expression "年齢" (nenrei) is used to refer to "age," which is...
Many antique fans visit the antique and flea markets held in Osaka and Kyoto in search of old Japanese tools, pottery, stamps, etc. "Hotel Noum OSAKA" in Tenmabashi, Osaka has good access to Kyoto. It is a recommended design hotel as a base for your trip