高兴(gāoxìng) is one of the first words that Chinese learners come across after they start their Chinese learning journeys. One of the key phrases that beginners learn is 很高兴认识你 hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ, which means “nice to meet you” (the literal meaning of this phrase is “v...
On December 3, I'm at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Understanding China Conference. This year’s theme is "Carry through the reform to the end—Chinese modernization and new opportunities for world development." Since 2013, the conference has been held seven times. This year marks the eig...
How to Say Goodbye: Directed by Seán Treacy. With David Kaiser, Seán Treacy. Danny and Christopher clash when confronted with saying farewell to their childhood holiday home.
愁肠寸断 (chóu cháng cùn duàn) is a Chinese idiom describing the extent of one’s sadness, likening it to having one’s insides broken into pieces. 陪伴(péibàn) means to accompany or to keep somebody company. 伴侣 (bànlǚ) are companions. 良 (liáng) and 良好 (liánghǎo) mean ...
Written byAppleUpdatedDec. 12, 2024 To wish someone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in Chinese, you can say "中秋节快乐" (zhōng qiū jié kuài lè). This is the most common way to express your greetings for this festival. There are also other ways of saying Happy Mid-Autumn Festival in ...
After saying hello in Chinese, you may end up making new friends—particularly if you're at a banquet or in a bar. Be prepared; there are some rules for proper drinking etiquette. You should certainly knowhow to say cheers in Chinese! The default toast in China isganbei(sounds like: “...
In the dynamic China’s liquor industry, understanding and effectively usingsocial mediais not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. One of the foremost platforms to start with isWeChat. This multifunctional app is deeply ingrained in the daily lives of Chinese consumers. By setting up aWeChat...
How to Say Goodbye: Directed by Seán Treacy. With David Kaiser, Seán Treacy. Danny and Christopher clash when confronted with saying farewell to their childhood holiday home.
Health is critical to every one of us. China's continuous development has given birth to a huge medical and healthcare market. How do foreign medical and health enterprises tap into the vast Chinese market? What new products and services do they bring to China? Let's take a look with our...
“My sister will graduate from university in 2024.”(我的姐姐将于 2024 年从大学毕业。)“The new policy will take effect in 2024.”(新政策将于 2024 年生效。) 除了这种常见的读法,还有一些特殊情况需要注意。比如,如果年份是以“00”结尾的,像 2000 年,通常会读作“the year two thousand”。如果...