Hello, I'am an Unity game developer. Iam using custom Binary files to save game progress data (encoded strings, int, bool etc.). Now before I build my project/game to Xcode and upload it to the Appstore, I want the user to be able to save their progress to the iCloud so they can...
I clickedComplete Onboardingduring purchase/ My subscription has been migrated to the Unity Cloud Dashboard If your subscription is housed under the Unity Cloud Dashboard, follow the steps below: Navigate tocloud.unity.comand sign in using your Unity ID credentials. Using the left-hand menu, se...
<string>{VERSION NUMBER, e.g. 100}</string> Add this key to theinfo.plistfile : <key>LSApplicationCategoryType</key> <string>{VALID APP CATEGORY, e.g.: public.app-category.kids-games }</string> Fix Macbook Pro Retina fullscreen problems (seehttp://forum.unity3d.com/threads/145534-M...
The Unity Manual helps you learn and use the Unity engine. With the Unity engine you can create 2D and 3D games, apps and experiences.
1. You do not have a Unity ID to log in to the cloud platform. 2. You have not been added to the organization the DevOps service is under 3. You are not the owner of the organization. Resolution: Navigate tocloud.unity.comand sign in with your Unity ID credentials. ...
You can send commands to top with keystrokes. These are some of the most important commands: 您可以使用按键向top发送命令。 以下是一些最重要的命令: Two other utilities forLinux, similar to top, offer an enhanced set of views and features: atop and htop. Most of the extra features are avail...
structure, or building. The data it gathers are considered to be more accurate than those from traditional methods. Through these data, 3D maps are created using BIM. Both the XYZ coordinates and 3D map files are stored in a cloud, which makes them more accessible...
partnership with Azure Databricks — so there are a couple of options of how to virtualize a data ecosystem. We're in the process of migrating to the Azure Databricks Unity catalog (that’s a bit of a work-in-progress), and last but not least, what's re...
I want to send some data to API through POST method.While Debugging instead of json output I am getting this. So unable to deserialize json object. Any suggestion please... {StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, He...
You just need to copy your entire project to a temporary folder, then run Unity.exe with parms to do a headless build like normal. So when you are in a good place with your project and would like to start a background build, hit Ctrl-S to save, then run your “CopyToTempDirAndBuil...