I was able to concatenate my loom objects into 1 object and converted it to Seurat object, but this object has not been in anyway processed (e.g., normalise etc that are typically done in scVelo pipeline). How might I add the ambiguous, matrix, spliced, unspliced to my Seurat GEX clus...
Hi all, I would like to try another package for differential expression analysis, once after having my SeuratObject filtered, normalized and aligned following instructions for integrated analysis. How can I extract only counts with cell ...
R does not display output Error in the predict function RStudio breaks on FreeBSD: "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.desktopHooks.notifyRCrashed')" How to use crawler with Rcrawler for automatic download in r? Relabel and merge the fasta files How to deal...
SEURAT$column <- NA # or any other initialization value SEURAT$column[SEURAT$celltype == "B Cells"] <- 3000 # ... etc for the rest 👍 6 yuhanH closed this as completed Jun 17, 2022 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to com...
Hey, I am currently working with a SeuratObject from one of our collaborators. This Object is a merged SeuratObject from seven different replicates. I want to unmerge/split the Object into each replicate so I can cluster them together in...