To save the changes, press theCtrl+Okey. This will open a prompt where users enter the file name to save the changes. To exit the file, press theCtrl+Skey. This combination of keys saves the changes to the file and closes the text editor. Method 2: Vi/Vim Both Vi andVimare modal ...
To edit the .bashrc file, you can use any of your favorite text editors such vi/vim or nano. Remember to be careful when making changes to your .bashrc file. If you make a mistake, it could cause problems the next time you open a terminal. It's a good idea to make a backup befo...
Run the following commands on the CLI to add the configurations of the environment variables to the~/.bashrcfile: echo"export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID'">> ~/.bashrcecho"export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET='YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'">> ~/.bashrc ...
After writing the previous command, wait so that the changes are made after entering the path of your choice in the Linux terminal. Then, save the bashrc file and close it. Once a new terminal session is launched, the PATH variable is modified. Now, just employ the “source” statement ...
Execute this command within the terminal to enter the bashrc file. sudo nano ~/.bashrc Scroll to the end of this file and type the following code: export my_env_var="val" ✕Remove Ads Exit bashrc by pressingCtrl+Xand typingYwhen prompted to save the changes. ...
The function only stays defined in the current terminal session. To save for future sessions, add the code to the~/.bashrcfile. Where is a Bash Function Defined? To see where a bash function is defined and its contents, enter the following commands in the terminal: ...
Tocreate an aliasfor the rm command permanently, add an alias in your$HOME/.bashrcfile. alias rm="rm -i" Save the changes and exit the file. Then source your.bashrcfile as shown or open a new terminal for the changes to take effect. ...
Edit the startup file (~/.bashrc) ModifyPATHvariable PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0/bin:$PATH export PATH Save and close the file Load the startup file % . /.profile Verify that the path is set by repeating thejavacommand % java -version ...
You can also use a code in a shell startup file such as “~/.bashrc”: [-f/var/run/reboot-required]&&cat/var/run/reboot-requiredCopy How to find out which daemons need to be restarted after upgrading the library? In case of the library upgrades, you may check if the daemons need...
Open the .bashrc file and copy the PS1 value you have finalized in the PS1 line under the if; then line. In the following image, I have just changed the color of my bash prompt to red: Save the file by pressingCtrl+Xand then by pressingY. The changes to your bash prompt will now...