The developers of Bash designed the .bashrc file to work only with the Bash shell. However, it is important to note that most of the commands inside a .bashrc file are cross-compatible with some Unix-like shells. For example, you can copy the contents of a .bashrc file to its Korn sh...
a.)Modify.bashrcfile in your home directory to export or set the environment variable you need to add. After thatsourcethe file, to make the changes take effect. Then you would see the variable ('CD'in my case), taking effect. This variable will be available every time you open a new...
This is mainly meant for applications to altersudoprivileges upon installation. Putting all of the associated rules within a single file in the/etc/sudoers.ddirectory can make it easy to see which privileges are associated with which accounts and to reverse credentials easily without having to try...
To run ADB commands, you need to edit thebashrcfile to add the ADB path in the environment variables of your PC. To edit the bashrc file, use the following command (You can use any editor) sudo gedit .bashrc Using sudo command may ask for the Linux password, enter your user password....
change file permissions with chmod in Linux In Linux, you can use the chmod command to change file permissions. The chmod command allows you to modify the read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, group, and others. Here’s a breakdown of the chmod syntax: ...
Edit the startup file (~/.bashrc) ModifyPATHvariable PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0/bin:$PATH export PATH Save and close the file Load the startup file % . /.profile Verify that the path is set by repeating thejavacommand % java -version ...
Users located behind an authenticated or unauthenticated proxy connection must modify thebash.bashrcandapt.conffiles. Both files are located in the/etc/directory. Edit thebash.bashrcfile, as the following shows, using a text editor to add the following lines to the bottom of thebash.bashrcfile: ...
If you need to free up a namespace occupied by a function in the current terminal session, run: unset <function name> For example: unset my_function The function is no longer available in the current terminal session. However, if the code is in the~/.bashrcfile, everything is restored ...
1. Launch the terminal and open the .bashrc file using your favoritetext editor in Linux. We will be using thenano editorand don’t forgetsudo. sudo nano ~/.bashrc 2. Go to the end of the file and start typing the default path that you want to add after addingexport=$PATH:.We’re...
First, create a .bash_vault file in your home directory:$ touch ~/.bash_vaultNext, append the following code to your .bashrc file:export EDITOR=vi BASH_VAULT=${HOME}/.bash_vault function bash_vault.load(){ echo "Loading bash vault..." source <(ansible-vault view ${BASH_VAULT}) }...