We know that Verilog has file I/O system task functuons. But in practical FPGA development on a development board connected to host PC with a micro-USB cable, say, a Xilinx Artix-7 board, how to read/write file in host PC when simulating Verilog code on the ...
I have a sequence detector verilog code. I want to import it into cadence virtuoso and simulate it along with my other circuits. I am using the Virtuoso custom
Xilinx no longer ships ModelSim with ISE but now ships its own HDL simulator that enables functional and timing simulations for VHDL, Verilog and mixed VHDL/Verilog designs: ISim . I had some trouble setting up ISim from the command line on my Linux machine, so I documented how to use ISim...
Run Hsim with the new spice netlist. With the above two commands in the netlist, Hsim only generates the necessary interface files and does not do any DC or transient circuit analysis. This Hsim simulation creates bothcosim.vandcosim.sp.Cosim.vis the Verilog top module to instantiate other Ve...
I realize that Verilator for UVM is still under development, but I would like to try it. I can't find any documentation on how to do this. Is there any? If not, how does one run a UVM/SystemVerilog Testbench with Verilator? Also, what is the minimum version of Verilator needed ...
How the 'my_block.v' can be encrypted using 'encrypt' TCL command. Of cource, I can merge all files to one and then apply 'encrypt' command. But I am looking for a way to deal with a hierarchical Verilog code without merging all codes. Thnaks.Design...
I'm working on an application that involves the FPGA to take in an analog signal through its onboard ADC and perform the FFT using the altera ip core. So far, my understanding is the ip core generates a verilog module for just the FFT and I will have to instance it ...
I was trying to write a verilog code for a memory module which has has a bidirectional inout port for the data. But I also want to output high impedance during write or if MEM_OE(output enable) is not set. But my code as below cannot simulate the reading ...
Hello I have a verilogA module using multi-terminal ports and where I want to use for loops to assign all currents. I took care to use genvars, and I don't get any syntax error during the check after saving the verilogA view. However during simulation, spectre is aborting (very laconi...
Currently, I created an IP core from my Verilog code and I also controlled audio signal from Line_in to Line_out (Speaker) on Zedboard. Now I would like to use both of Microphone and Line_in on Zedboard however I actually don't know how to use this Microphone....