.vscode assets notebooks trainer 01_how_to_train.ipynb 02_how_to_generate.ipynb 03_reformer.ipynb 05_encoder_decoder.ipynb 08_warm_starting_encoder_decoder.ipynb 101_train-decision-transformers.ipynb 10_tf_serving.ipynb 111_fine_tune_whisper.ipynb 111_tf_serving_vision.ipynb 112...
#4.run %%ai in *.ipynb file on ec2 instead of SageMaker notebook instance / SageMaker Studio [also can run in VSCODE] after making sure your Amazon SageMaker endpoint is health %load_ext jupyter_ai %%ai sagemaker-endpoint:jumpstart-dft-meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b --region-name=us-east...
While the repository is open in VS Code, navigate to the/dotnet/notebooksor/python/notebooksfolder. Choose either thedotnetorpythonfolder based on your preferred programming language. Open the00-getting-started.ipynbnotebook. Activate each code snippet with the "play" button on the left hand side...
run_pipeline read the the data into Pandas DataFrame, calls process_data on the DataFrame and returns the processed DataFrame. Image by author Create Expectations & Suite File: create_expectations.ipynb In this notebook, we create expectations and expectation suite to validate the output of our pi...
It's registered as an opener for .ipynb files — try opening one!" https://atom.io/packages/jupyter-notebook or, from the command line: $ pip install jupyter jupyter_kernel_gateway $ apm install jupyter-notebook Alternatively, you can look at the Hydrogen package: Hydrogen runs code ...
While the repository is open in VS Code, navigate to the /dotnet/notebooks or /python/notebooks folder. Choose either the dotnet or python folder based on your preferred programming language. Open the 00-getting-started.ipynb notebook. Activate each code snippet with the "play" button on the...
Both .ipynb files and .html files are uploaded, with the latter showing both code and results - download the files and open them in your local browser. It is not meant be used as an end product, neither we guarantee that all notebooks will be back-compatibles with future version of the...
While the repository is open in VS Code, navigate to the /dotnet/notebooks or /python/notebooks folder. Choose either the dotnet or python folder based on your preferred programming language. Open the 00-getting-started.ipynb notebook. Activate each code snippet with the "play" button on the...
While the repository is open in VS Code, navigate to the /dotnet/notebooks or /python/notebooks folder. Choose either the dotnet or python folder based on your preferred programming language. Open the 00-getting-started.ipynb notebook. Activate each code snippet with the "play" button on the...