.vscode assets notebooks trainer 01_how_to_train.ipynb 02_how_to_generate.ipynb 03_reformer.ipynb 05_encoder_decoder.ipynb 08_warm_starting_encoder_decoder.ipynb 101_train-decision-transformers.ipynb 10_tf_serving.ipynb 111_fine_tune_whisper.ipynb 111_tf_serving_vision.ipynb 112...
%pip install folium %% makes sure you're installing it in the right environment while doing it through Jupyter Notebook itself. I ran the following command on the Jupyter Notebook Cell to fix the issue. %pip install folium % makes sure you're installing it in the right environment while ...
File: explore.ipynb We will be using the Titanic[2] dataset for the following example. Let’s take a quick look at the dataset. We have 2 sets of data — train and test. #explore.ipynbimport pandas as pddf_train = pd.read_csv('path/to/data/titanic-train.csv')df_train.head() ...
#4.run %%ai in *.ipynb file on ec2 instead of SageMaker notebook instance / SageMaker Studio [also can run in VSCODE] after making sure your Amazon SageMaker endpoint is health %load_ext jupyter_ai %%ai sagemaker-endpoint:jumpstart-dft-meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b --region-name=us-east...
.vscode assets notebooks trainer 01_how_to_train.ipynb 02_how_to_generate.ipynb 03_reformer.ipynb 05_encoder_decoder.ipynb 08_warm_starting_encoder_decoder.ipynb 101_train-decision-transformers.ipynb 10_tf_serving.ipynb 111_fine_tune_whisper.ipynb 111_tf_serving_vision.ipynb 112...