How to do color blending How to do create a GPU program from Lua buffers How to set the vertices color of a quad How to rotate an object with quaternions How to create and use a render target JeGX@Twitter|GeeXLab - 3D programming with Lua, Python, OpenGL and Vulkan...
This is a blog post by site administrator Ray Wenderlich, an independent software developer and gamer. In this tutorial, you will learn how to rotate a 3D object with touches on iOS with OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLKit. We’ll start out simple and show you how y
The camera will rotate on two, or possibly three axes, and thus will be subject to gimbal lock if you use Euler angles. So, for the camera, either use an axis-angle representation, or quaternions - the mind-blowing, really cool subject of the next tutorial. ...
Quaternions block now supports these high-integrity systems modeling checks: • hisl_0010 • hisl_0016 • hisl_0034 • hisl_0066 LLA to Flat Earth block supports high-integrity systems modeling check The LLA to Flat Earth block now supports the hisl_0016 high-integrity systems modeling ...
[..] Thecam_transis position and thesmpl_thetasis quaternions [..] Ah i see. But maybe i described it not clear enough: With 'position' i mean the position for the bones, not the camera. Or is it, whatconvert_cam_to_3d_trans()does for me?
Now we want to make the go stone move, obeying Newton’s laws of motion so the simulation is physically accurate. The stone should be accelerated by gravity and fall downwards. I also want the stone to rotate so it tumbles as it falls through the air. ...
Using a float3 result, so translation is ignored float3 rotatedPosition = mul(pos, ViewMatrix); // Calculate projection, moving all vertices to the far clip plane // (w and z both 1.0) SkyPos = mul(float4(rotatedPosition, 1), ProjectionMatrix).xyww; SkyCoord = pos; }; The ...
Voxel engines need to maximize their use of parallelism (both threading and SIMD) and also to store the data efficiently in an octree or some other structure that can handle sparse data. If you are doing all these things and still not getting the performance you expect, it's...
For example, it is used in electrical engineering to analyze AC circuits, in signal processing to manipulate signals, and in quantum mechanics to describe quantum states. It is also used in computer graphics to transform and rotate objects in 3D space....