If you have a vegetable garden, berry bush, or fruit tree in your yard, it could be another major food source for your local raccoons. You probably don’t want to get rid of your garden just to prevent raccoons, but you can put up a barrier to keep them away. The most effective wa...
Not all gardening projects require you to get rid of your grass. If you’re building raised garden beds, you don’t need to remove your lawn. However, it will be difficult to mow around and between raised garden beds. Consider planting low-growingcover crops like cloverthat don’t need t...
Rabbits also have an extremely high reproductive potential, so keeping them around might quickly cause a total garden infestation. They can produce up to three litters of six babies per year in the north and up to six litters of three babies yearly in the south. The first litter appears in ...
Peas are another cool-season crop that grows best in containers and shady gardens. The key to planting this vegetable is timing because you want to start cultivating the seed in the soil and harvest the produce before the weather gets too hot. Peas are space-saving crops as they best grow ...
In response to aLiving on a Dime story about budgeting, Yvonne asks about how to stick to a budget: My problem is not setting up a budget but sticking to a budget. Gas costs what it costs. Groceries –It is expensive to eat healthy. Do you have suggestions for how to live on a bu...
The same area once I’d planted and sown it with wildflowers. Though I say black plastic, I’m referring to the usual color of Visqueen. I’ve seen it in other colors, including light blue, which will work as long as light cannot get through it. That’s because plants need light fo...
Cabbage is a cool-weather crop. Grow cabbage in spring so that it comes to harvest before the summer heat or start cabbage in mid to late summer so that it comes to harvest during the cool days of autumn, winter, or early spring. ...
If you can believe it (I can’t), I once said (on this very blog!) and I quote: “Some raw food types grate them into obscurity or juice them in order to eat them, but I don’t recommend it. ” Ah, the ignorance of youth! Or at least the fears of a beet newbie. You know...
Garlic and onions are some of the only veggies squirrels won’t touch. I haven’t come across any squirrel repellent plants that actually cause the squirrels to want to go elsewhere. Part 7. Get Rid Of Squirrels Squirrel Nest If there is a squirrel nest in a tree, in your yard or in...
How to Build a Coyote Fence. Coyotes used to live only in the wild, but they are adaptable to change and have persevered through changing habitat; now people who live in urban areas have just as good of a chance of seeing a coyote. Although coyotes can pose a threat and be destructive...