In a few months, your layoff might be the best thing that ever happened to you—but only if you respond to it the right way. We can’t control whether we’re laid off, when it happens, or how the other person will deliver the news. But there’s one thing we can control: our r...
It is then difficult to form a robust opinion.CapelleBlancard, GuntherCouderc, NicolasCAPELLE-BLANCARD G. et COUDERC N. (2008), « How do Shareholders Respond to Layoff Announcements? A Meta-analysis, Document de travail, Universite Paris 1, juillet....
"It usually comes out when someone says, 'When can we get you in for an interview?' and a candidate will respond saying 'any time' because they are unemployed," says Hanold. "A hiring manager will then look at the resume and see it isn't up to date and start to think what else ...
If so, you might be wondering how to explain your situation in a job interview. After all, it’s likely to come up. What's the best way to respond to the inevitable question of why you were fired? How can you explain a firing, so it won't negatively impact you during the interview...
According to Jennifer Kahnweiler, an Atlanta executive coach, the affected person appreciates the words of support even if they don't respond. Consultant Jay Cranman wants people to reach out. He thinks it will be awkward when one does not make a contact. INSET: Dos& Don'ts....
Building muscle and strength is hard work, and it would be a shame to lose your gains just because you are forced into a layoff. In this section, I reveal the strategies I use with my clients to help preserve their gains or minimize atrophy during planned and unplanned breaks from trainin...
And how you respond to your partner losing their job will affect the rest of your relationship, says Lisa Bobby, psychologist and clinical director ofGrowing Self Counseling & Coachingin Denver, Colorado. "When people go through emotionally traumatic things like a layoff, if your partner does no...
This fight-or-flight response is vital to our survival in other circumstances when there’s real danger as it enables us to respond to life-threatening situations quickly—to escape a burning building or when a speeding car on a highway heads into our lane. However, since your brain can’...
“What does this problem say about me? How do I have to change and grow so that my spouse will respond the way I want?” This can be hard. It leads to your own personal growth and a happier relationship that can last forever. ...
When hardship hits — like the stress of a layoff, the heartbreak of a relationship ending, or even day-to-day social anxiety— your connections can offer solace and help you process. If you’re going through a period of emotional distress, let the people in your life know. Don't ...