I try to reset the offset of a group for a topic (or better: regex of topics). But I can't get it working with confluent kafka: The script: def reset_offsets(group_id, topic, bootstrap_servers): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers, 'group.id': group_id}...
Oracle Communications BRM - Elastic Charging Engine - Version and later: How to Reset Kafka Offset in Case of Kafka Partition ID Conflicts
offsets分别被更新为2和1在两个partition。在同时,Flink的Job Master判定触发一次checkpoint在源。 Step4 接下来阶段,kafka consumer的任务已经创建了一个属于它们状态的快照(offset=2,1)在Job Master中。源头发送一次checkpoint barrier(不懂可以google下)用来对齐所有算子任务和保证总体checkpoint的一致性。消息A到达map...
var client = new kafka.Client('localhost:2181'); var offset = new kafka.Offset(client); offset.fetch([ { topic: 'test' } ], function (err, data) { console.log(data); }); var consumer = new Consumer( client, [ { topic: 'test', partition: 0} ], { autoCommit: false, autoCommi...
consumer = KafkaConsumer('<your_topic_name>', bootstrap_servers='<your_broker_list>', auto_offset_reset='earliest', enable_auto_commit=False, group_id=None, ) With the consumer set up, we can now read messages from the topic:
To reset a consumer offset in the console, you must stop the consumer first. For more information, see Reset consumer offsets. Otherwise, the updated consumer offset may be overwritten by the consumer offset newly committed by the consumer. Feedback Previous:NoneNext: ApsaraMQ for Kaf...
"./bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181/kafka --topic LCL_LANG_DSTRBTN1 --from-beginning" Thanks!! 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION bbende Master Guru Created08-07-201703:09 PM There is a property called "Offset Reset" that you can set to "earliest...
ERROR <TopicWatcher:56> [oop-thread-0] 84|kube =my-topic|2411109: Failure processing KafkaTopic watch event MODIFIED on resource my-topic with labels {strimzi.io/cluster=my-cluster}: Changing 'spec.replicas' is not supported. This KafkaTopic's 'spec.replicas' should be reverted to 1 and...
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError # Create a Kafka consumer instance consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers':'localhost:9092', 'group.id':'', 'auto.offset.reset':'earliest' }) # Retrieve metadata for the specified topic ...
"type": "kafka", "streamConfigMaps": { "streamType": "kafka", "stream.kafka.topic.name": "myKafkaTopic", "stream.kafka.broker.list": "localhost:9092", "stream.kafka.consumer.type": "simple", "stream.kafka.consumer.prop.auto.offset.reset": "smallest", ...