I try to reset the offset of a group for a topic (or better: regex of topics). But I can't get it working with confluent kafka: The script: def reset_offsets(group_id, topic, bootstrap_servers): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers, 'group.id': group_id}...
Oracle Communications BRM - Elastic Charging Engine - Version and later: How to Reset Kafka Offset in Case of Kafka Partition ID Conflicts
To get the number of messages, you can use thekafka-run-class.shscript along with thekafka.tools.GetOffsetShellclass. The command looks like this: $./bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list <your_broker_list> --topic <your_topic_name> --time -1 Replace<your_...
In my opinion, if the offset is well reset within the pinot consumer, even if the kafka topic is recreated, it is normal when the comsuming segment continues to accumulate data well. Even if I recreate the kafka topic or modify the properties, I wonder how consuming can continue to do ...
kafka_bootstrap_servers = "<kafka_bootstrap_servers>" kafka_topic = "<kafka_topic>" consumer_properties = { "bootstrap.servers": kafka_bootstrap_servers, "group.id": "<consumer_group_id>", "auto.offset.reset": "latest" # Set the offset to the latest for new consumer groups ...
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError # Create a Kafka consumer instance consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers':'localhost:9092', 'group.id':'', 'auto.offset.reset':'earliest' }) # Retrieve metadata for the specified topic ...
Configure Kafka consumerconsumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers':'localhost:9092','group.id':'llm-consumer-group','auto.offset.reset':'earliest'})# Subscribe to the 'store-reviews' topicconsumer.subscribe(['store-reviews'])# Function to analyze sentiment using the LLMdefanalyze_sentiment(review...
"./bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181/kafka --topic LCL_LANG_DSTRBTN1 --from-beginning" Thanks!! 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION bbende Master Guru Created08-07-201703:09 PM There is a property called "Offset Reset" that you can set to "earliest...
"type": "kafka", "streamConfigMaps": { "streamType": "kafka", "stream.kafka.topic.name": "myKafkaTopic", "stream.kafka.broker.list": "localhost:9092", "stream.kafka.consumer.type": "simple", "stream.kafka.consumer.prop.auto.offset.reset": "smallest", ...
("key :"+key+" value :"+value)); /* take few descsion based on Header */ /* How to get the Header */ userStream.map(this::process); KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), props); kafkaStreams.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { ...