Like Terraria... I have tried to also research into how Terraria achieves its "host and play" multiplayer, and did not come up with a definitive answer. Everyone just calls it "peer-to-peer" or "hosted peer-to-peer", but no granular info is provided on how that ...
You can as well remove traits from Rimworld by doing some kind of editing work on the game profile. This is your only option as the dev mode does not feature the ability to this kind of stuff. Just nail it down by locating (Locallow/Ludeon Studios/Rimworld/Saves), and get to the e...
and you don’t necessarily need a shield to have a good time in PvP, but it will make you feel even greater when you parry that pesky invader and get
“I remember one day I came home from school and I was thinking about adding an attachment system, where you could add a grip to a gun or a silencer or stuff like that,” says Sexton. “Just in that evening I went through every single gun, added attachment points and the...