For example, pointing out where the Creeper costume's design came from would be an "undeniable" trivia item. If a game item merely looks like something you saw somewhere else, it usually does not merit mention (starting a trivia item with "might be a reference" or "looks like" is often...
The design of the Void Monolith is based on the Monoliths from the science fiction novel series Space Odyssey. The ideas for the void and lunar monoliths came from the Re-Logic staff member Leinfors.HistoryPC versionDesktop Fixed some monoliths not properly being "pushed down" into ...
Pumpkin/Frost Moon/Boss AFK Farming DicemanX showed me one of his videos in a thread i'd made onthe Terraria subreddit(A great place to subscribe and get new content daily). In this video, you can see an elaborate AFK farm for Event and Boss farming. This is up to date for Terraria...
' Housing Query tool to click a space and determine if it meets the housing requirements. A series of 10x6 apartments. I later would regret this design - monsters stormed directly through it and slaughtered NPCs every time there was an event. Keep that in mind when designing your housing. ...
The Bidirectional switch design. 天桥[] 天桥是一个在够高的地方修起来的长长的桥,避免通过任何不便的地形,通常只是一格物块,平台和/或矿车轨道。除了旅行的优势,修天桥也更方便收集坠落之星。 注意某些类型的物块也会建立桥的生物群落,可能会生成更加危险的敌怪。如果桥太高,可能会出现鸟妖(或者困难模式里的...