For example, if you remove the hyperlink from text like “,” it may still reappear when you type a space or press theEnterkey after the text, as shown in the screenshot below. To stop Word from automatically adding hyperlinks to text, you need to configure ...
Go to the hyperlink in your document. Right-click the hyperlink. MS Word displays a contextual menu. From the menu, select ‘Remove Hyperlink.’ The link now looks like the rest of the document and is not underlined. Alternatively, choose ‘Edit Hyperlink’ from the contextual menu. A new ...
Using WPS Office to Remove Hyperlink in Word If you are curious about how to remove hyperlinks in Word using WPS Office, then you have clicked yourself at the right place on the internet. WPS Office offers you easy and convenient ways to remove hyperlinks from your word document, either indi...
Follow these steps to delete or remove a hyperlink from text in a Microsoft Word document, Excel spreadsheet, or PowerPoint presentation.Right-click the hyperlink text. Select Remove Hyperlink in the pop-up menu.How to use a hyperlinkTo open a hyperlink in a document hold down the Ctrl and ...
Instead of moving to remove hyperlinks one after the other, we suggest highlighting the entire document by pressing CTRL + A, then remove hyperlinks by using CTRL + SHIFT + F9. Paste hyperlinked text without hyperlink in Word Doing this requires the activation of Paste Options. If you do not...
Word Hit [ALT]+[F11] to open the Visual Basic Editor Go to “Insert” > “Module” and in the pop-up window copy SubRemoveHyperlinks() DimoFieldAsField ForEachoField In ActiveDocument.Fields IfoField.Type=wdFieldHyperlinkThen oField.Unlink ...
Remove a hyperlink in Word on Mac by using “Cmd.” Let’s discuss all these methods in detail to make things clear. Method 1: Delete all Links from the Word Document by Using the Shortcut key Follow these steps to remove all hyperlinks from the Word document with a shortcut key: ...
Learn to insert, remove, and list all hyperlinks in a Word document. Utilize built-in features, VBA, or Kutools for Word to streamline hyperlink management.
Hyperlinks in Word standout from the rest of the text with blue color and underlines. If a document has many hyperlinks, it doesn’t look much attractive with these two properties. Word has options to modify these features. You can remove the underline from the hyperlink or change the color...
When you insert a hyperlink in a Microsoft Word document, it's formatted with an underline by default. You can easily remove the underline from the hyperlinked text to maintain consistency of the overall style of the document. Here's how it's done. Remove the Underline From a Single Hyperl...