Using WPS Office to Remove Hyperlink in Word If you are curious about how to remove hyperlinks in Word using WPS Office, then you have clicked yourself at the right place on the internet. WPS Office offers you easy and convenient ways to remove hyperlinks from your word document, either indi...
Go to “Insert” > “Module” and in the pop-up window copy SubRemoveHyperlinks() DimoFieldAsField ForEachoField In ActiveDocument.Fields IfoField.Type=wdFieldHyperlinkThen oField.Unlink EndIf Next SetoField=Nothing End Sub Then click “File” > Close and return to Microsoft Word You can now...
You can now automatically remove personal information from a Word document when you save the document. To turn this option on, follow these steps: On theToolsmenu, click Options. On theSecuritytab, click to select the Remove personal information from file properties on savecheck box und...
How to Remove a Hyperlink in Word using WPS Office? To remove a hyperlink in Word using WPS Office, you simply go backwards using the steps to add a hyperlink as mentioned above. The process, however, is a lot less complicated. Step 1: Select the text Select the desired text where you...
Step 2. Remove Hyperlinks from PDF The following snapshot is from the software interface. Please click option Open to add PDF file to software interface. Or you can simply drag PDF file to software interface. Please find optionEdit Linkthen click it. The mouse will turn to cross. Please dr...
Step 3.Choose "Create from file" and browse your folder to select the PDF you want to insert in the popping-up window. Step 4.Click on the "OK" button to import the PDF into your Excel document as an attachment. Method 2. How to Insert PDF into Excel with "Hyperlink" Feature ...
Select any hyperlink source from the list and select theHyperlinkspanel menuicon >Edit Hyperlink. Select theAppearancetab, and selectInvisible Rectanglefrom theTypedrop-down. Related resources Tips and tricks to create, style, and manage hyperlinks ...
Evaluate Hyperlink Formatting: If the hyperlinks are formatted in a complex or resource-intensive way (e.g., using custom fonts, colors, or styles), consider simplifying the formatting to improve performance. Complex formatting can increase the file size and processing time, leading...
This can be a word, sentence, paragraph, or picture. Select the content you want to turn into a hyperlink either by holding the left mouse button and dragging your mouse pointer across it or by holding the shift key and using the arrow keys to move the cursor. From the menu at the ...
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging; RemovePart(args[0]); // To remove a document part from a package. static void RemovePart(string document) { using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(document, true)) { MainDocumentPart? mainPart = ...