It does it the most when gpu frequency is at 1366 Mhz. When at 800-900 Mhz the coil whine reduce. I would like to know if i 'set as maximum state' in WattMan parameters under 'GPU' where there is 7 step. Anyome done it without damage to the card thanks....
You musn't be. You don't have to go back 5-10 years to find major issues with gpu coil whine. For example the GTX 1080 was plagued with it when it was first released. People set up their parts outside their cases and the vid card was whining and humming like the power lines ...
In the case of 240 Hz gaming and higher, you may still need to cap at 144 Hz or lower to significantly reduce coil whine. The amount of leeway you leave between your FPS cap and refresh rate depends on the monitor you have and the GPU you have. For example, if you have a 144 Hz...
going to try this on my mobo if all else fails in next couple days... thread below I made if you interested. i will be making a video to share the sound later today Is there anyway to reduce motherboard (NOT GPU) coil whine? My Gigabyte B650m Aorus Elite AX has ins...
Maybe with that PSU, the coil whine on this fker will drown out completely. Meanwhile I ordered an Arctic LF3 240mm to lower even more the CPU temperatures and maybe I can mount the old AIO on the GPU. I'm a lil bit afraid cuz of the hotspot temperatures, I don't rem...
If your graphics card fan is spinning slowly at idle or during low GPU load then it is completely normal, because, in most modern-day graphics cards, the fan throttles down to spin at lower speeds (50% or less), when the GPU temperature is low. This is done to reduce fan noise, to...
Switching to a simple and lightweight Windows theme can also reduce your memory usage. It is particularly more useful for computers that have less RAM installed and use a modern operating system like Windows 10. In Windows 10, you can switch to a lightweight Windows theme by right-clicking ...
-- Motion Sickness: A small subsegment of population has a motion sickness caused by high refresh rates being too smooth -- it is why Apple has a "Reduce Motion" setting for iPhones. For those people, it is usually only solved by staying low frame rates (10 to 30fps). Some of it ...
But once you are settled with one specific GPU, one has — apart from the choice of the model when buying — only one way to influence and reduce the noise a fan of a graphics card will emit.If one wants to get an existing PC to operate more quietly without exchaning the GPU ...
Are you asking if you can muffle or encase a power supply in something to reduce the noise? If you are, I would never do something like that. Could even be a fire hazard so definitely DO NOT DO THAT. Again if it is making too much noise, it probably has something wrong. If ...