Immediately after updating BIOZ 0801 on the Dark Hero z790 and after entering the desktop, gpu Coil Whine appeared Could this be somehow related between the BIOS and the video card? Or is this just a coincidence? I looked at another power supply and nothing changed. Sorry bad eng....
Currently, I have disassembled the GPU, and I can see the raw PCB. This GPU has some coil whine, but I know a few solutions, such as: (this is not always working) Undervolt the GPU. Turn on V-Sync. Limit the FPS to 60. Limit the power However, I am seeking a permanent solut...
So i've a coil whinertx 2060s rog strixpsu 850w whispermnot quite sure which one whines but ig its the gpulike the whine sound changes when i shoot or open the scopegets worse if the fps gets higherit even whines on 60fps playing genshin impactlike here :
Earlier today I tried starting my pc without the GPU installed to see if maybe the GPU was somehow causing coil whine in other parts of the pc, but the problem didn't go away. I plug my pc into a ups so I tried plugging my pc directly into a wall outlet and that also still didn...
Then maybe I'm tone deaf for never hearing non-fan GPU whine? I've only ever heard whine with an EVGA RTX 3080 when connected to an older PSU and using certain game benchmarks. On 2/1/2024 at 11:58 PM,Tomsbrowsksaid: So does anyone know if this card has issues with coil whine...
This GPU has some coil whine, but I know a few solutions, such as: (this is not always working) Undervolt the GPU. Turn on V-Sync. Limit the FPS to 60. Limit the power However, I am seeking a permanent solution. My problem is that I don't know which inductors are ...
Get A GPU Replacement If you feel that your GPU has an unreasonable level of coil whine, you’re confident it isn’t your power supply and you’re within warranty, you may be able to get a replacement.* *However, your chances of success are going to vary greatly depending on a number...
If the Noise increases when the GPU card is under heavy loads then it could be Coil Whine. Need to be sure the noise is coming from the GPU card and not some other hardware such as your PSU. Some other Users have found out that their GPU made noises like Coil Whine depending on whic...
You are correct and could be from the PSU but also from the GPU since both are High-Powered electronic components. Most of the time it is from the GPU card. Vega series cards have this issue since they require so much power. What Is Coil Whine, and Can I Get Rid of It on My PC...
Maybe with that PSU, the coil whine on this fker will drown out completely. Meanwhile I ordered an Arctic LF3 240mm to lower even more the CPU temperatures and maybe I can mount the old AIO on the GPU. I'm a lil bit afraid cuz of the hotspot temperatures, I don't rem...