...I have a staircase here of 5 storeys and someone have decided to have each step into a hatch... Did you get a chance to ask the person that created a hatch-per-step to redo it for you? Or you can do so, just remember to turn off the variable HPSEPARATE first (usage is exp...
Here are the best first steps to making a part of your home or a tiny home on your property into a great short-term rental. Take Advantage of Natural Space Divisions While you could redo an entire wing of your home, the cheapest plan is to make use of what you have. If your upstair...
Anti aliasing is a way of adding semi-transparent pixels around the edge of a line to make it look smooth when it is on a diagonal. Without it it would be a sharp staircase as the diagonal left one column of pixels and entered the next. However it needs some pixels around th...
Day 38 Day 38: A very Big Sum Feb 14, 2019 Day 39 Day 40: Staircase C++ Feb 16, 2019 Day 4 Day 4: 1 Hour is better than nothing! Jan 14, 2019 Day 40 Day 40: Staircase C++ Feb 16, 2019 Day 41 Day 41: Plus minus Feb 17, 2019 Day 42 Day 42: Min-Max Sum Feb 18, 2019...
Find a clean, dust-free area to lay out your cabinet doors.I have several tables I was able to set up, but you could just as easily lay them out on a drop cloth on the floor. You can see I carved out a very narrow space in my crowded garage!
In the first phase of our renovation, it felt liked there was a lot connected. The dining room led us to tackle a balcony which led to new windows and doors ...
In my version, I place torches on the floor in corners, I mine the 8 squares around the center, but leave a single block central pillar in the middle from top to bottom. In the original version, I started at two opposite corners and made a double spiral staircase. While this does fin...
Unfold your airplane and prepare to launch. Your airplane should unfold in a zig-zag/staircase shape. One half of the zig-zag strip will be heavily folded and the other half not folded at all. The folded end is the nose of your plane. Hold the plane by laying your pointer finger in ...
What is the purpose of a speed square when marking a staircase? Community Answer Speed squares are more suited for framing, measuring, and marking cut layouts. For stair building, a framing square is a much better tool; with a few tweaks, it can become a production layout tool (and very...