Here are the best first steps to making a part of your home or a tiny home on your property into a great short-term rental. Take Advantage of Natural Space Divisions While you could redo an entire wing of your home, the cheapest plan is to make use of what you have. If your upstair...
I want to challenge myself and see how far I can go and how much I can learn in one year. My main goal is that by the end of the year deserve to call me a SuperJr Developer. Right now i'm thinking to learn everything around web developement and later in the year I want to ...
save them in a Ziploc bag also. (I have reused my hinges in the past to save on costs. I just spray painted the old hinges. However, if it is in your budget to do so, I recommend purchasing new ones. Be sure to take a sample of what you already have to the store with you!)...
In the first phase of our renovation, it felt liked there was a lot connected. The dining room led us to tackle a balcony which led to new windows and doors ...
A quick inspection beforehand can save you the trouble of having to start from the beginning to redo your folds. Apply firm pressure with your hands to improve the bend. Be careful not to apply too much pressure; this can lead to a rip or a tear. You should also keep your movements ...
Draw a straight line. Use a pencil to draw a square, or perfectly straight line down your piece of wood. Place the graphite of the pencil against the base of the speed square and slowly trace the line. Make as many straight marks as your project calls for and redo the lines if you ...