races, genders, ages, and more. The need to create greater meaning and uplift the voices and presence of historically marginalized employees at work is a hot topic in the workplace, and the formation
The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village. Snotlout: Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so, does that disqualify him or...? Tuffnut: Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings? Gobber: [to Hiccup] Don't ...
again, there's an alternative secret explanation for what's really happening. And it's that the whole pandemic was really planned and it's a totalitarian plot. And again, it gets widely shared. It goes viral. It gets millions of views in just a few days and we're off to the races....
Given the correct treatment and knee rehabilitation plan, you can expect ITB syndrome to heal in 6-12 weeks. It largely depends on the severity of the case, with some runners able to return to full training much sooner, and others requiring a longer period of rest and rehabilitation. Underst...
Amazon affiliates, pretty much anybody can join. You need to make three sales in like 180 days. This is the opposite. Not anybody can join the influencer program. We'll get into who can join and then you're off to the races. Opposite of building websites where the traffic comes much ...
To put it in perspective, I am white. I often wandered into the mall for cheap food next door, and once there I became the minority. Which is good and correct in San Antonio, a beautiful patchwork of cultures that is a lovely place to live and meet people of many races, colors, ...
we were off flying to Omaha, Nebraska to pitch people in Warren Buffett’s family and then we were off to the races. I think in 18 months, this is before we went public, we did three rounds, including that initial angel round. We then did three venture capital rounds right after that...
although conquering the City in Volkare’s Return is recommended. Volkare’s Return is all about gaming Volkare’s movement until the one City is found. Volkare races you to find it, moving and revealing tiles during his turn. If Volkare enters the City without you to defend it, it’...
Two additional questions were dedicated to race equity, inquiring about how similarly or differently faculty of different races and ethnicities were treated in the department. Participants responded on a five-point scale ranging from 1 ("racial minority faculty often get preferential treatment") to 5...