Thousands of words have been written about what race is best in World of Warcraft. Honestly? Much of it comes down to what you end up preferring. Experimentation is key. Consider this an overview of what to expect, giving you an idea of the pros and cons of each race, but don't ...
BFA: What are allied Races What are Allied RacesThese are extra races that you unlock and can play. At the moment, there will be 8 allied races and even more will come. Each allied race is being built from the ground up, having their own customization option. All allied races will ...
I sort of get what you mean. Warcraft III is a great representative of its genre even after all these years, and the cartoony graphics have aged pretty well, but I fail to grasp what tone the franchise is trying to set. There are what I have interpreted as real attempts at a storylin...
They’ve all seen firsthand how unpleasant Demons are. To many players, their character’s backstory would be that their families or relatives died at the hand of the Legion. It is completely within the realm of believability that regardless of whether or not a race would look silly as a ...
World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery recently received itsPhase 3 update, adding a ton of content to the game in the form of new Runes, Raids, Dungeons, and more. However, there is one update that is leaving some players scratching their heads. ...
Female here who plays both and I don't see my character as a representation of 'me' at all. Curious, if playing the other gender is weird cause it's not 'you', then how does the same not apply when people play as any race besides human? None of us are elves or pandas IRL. It...
The team's goals were to shake up the Classic meta, give each class something fun drawn from some of our favorite abilities across the first several expansions of World of Warcraft, with some fun new abilities tossed in as well, and focus on class fantasy while staying true to the...
During the World of Warcraft®: What’s Next panel at BlizzCon 2023, Cinematic Narrative Director Terran Gregory, Associate Design Director Maria Hamilton, and Associate Game Director Morgan Day dove into an overview of the world, story, and features c
I’m enjoying Classic Fresh quite a bit, but I was wondering what the current focus of the Anniversary Servers? I know we are on a accelerated time table to TBC but other then that are we suppose to only enjoy the “classic” experience or are some modern changes ok? LFG tool has bee...
Here comes the Classic panel recap, as Blizzard detail what was announced. From Hardcore Self Found to the many deatails of Season of Discovery, this summary has it all covered. WoW Classic Panel (Source) During the World of Warcraft Classic Classic: Wha