We further looked at the number and type of base changes in the RNA-seq data. In Fig.3d, we show the mutational load as determined from the strand-specific RNA-seq read alignments. The crocidolite-exposed mice show higher number of mutations as compared to sham treated. After tumorigenesis...
nMsiadleesreadremcoantusirdeewrehdemn athtuerier cwlahsepnetrhseairrecleanslpaerrgseadreanendlacraglceidfied ananddexcatelcnifdiepdoasntedrieoxrtleynbdepyoosntedritohrelypbelevyiocnfidntsh[e5p],ealvmicofrinpsho[5l]o,gaicmalofrepahtoulroegtichaaltfiesartuearedily obthsaetrvisedrefardoimly aobdso...
Furthermore, down-regulation of the DNA damage response (DDR) has been shown to increase damage tolerance and inhibit apoptosis. Furthermore, Czarnecka-Herok et al. [88] performed gene enrichment analysis (GSEA) in doxorubicin-induced senescent/polyploid HCT116 and MCF-7 cell lines. In that ...
TIghEehIagsEahas a centrcaelnrtoralel rionlethine tchoenctoinnutinuumumcacsacsacdaedeoof faalllelerrggiicc rreeaaccttiioonnaannddpparatrictiipciapteasteins ainll aplhlapsehsa:stehse:stehnesistievnitsyitivity phasephreaasectrioeanc,ttiohne,etahrelyeacrlliynicclainl ipcahlapseh,atshe,etlhaetelact...
Usage of shared antigens is more convenient since the sequence of most proteins is well known and a genetic analysis of the mutanome is not needed to select antigen-encoding sequences [74]. However, a major risk of using shared TAA is the induction of autoimmune responses as the immune ...
The use of low-cost sensors require a verification phase to understand the behavior of the instrument used. In fact the low-cost sensors often have incomplete technical specifications which, as can be read below, may negatively affect the outcome of hardware development. Researchers, makers, and ...
However, to avoid any potential concerns about the representativeness of these later waves, we use only Waves 1–6 of the Living in Ireland Survey spanning the years 1994–1999, with analysis again carried out on the anonymised survey microdata files held by the ESRI on its secure server. ...
The introduction of service ecosystems [21,29] stems from the need to include the social sphere in the analysis of the system's organization dynamics and to introduce a systems view on value co-creation. For this reason, the ecosystems standpoint (in line with the two research question herein...
Our analysis was based on the soil texture for each regional site unit in the Microsoft Access file grouped into classes (Table 2) which were integrated as GIS-layers. The varying vulnerability of different soils to traffic was already classified by Wiebel [49], who grouped different soil ...
Despite the drawbacks SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy22001188,,1100,,6x39FOR PEER REVIEW 77 ooff 2211 usage-oriented BMs towards CE, with respect to result-oriented BMs, we decided to focus on oufsaugsea-goer-ioerniteendteBdMBsM, ssintocwe athrdeys CarEe, wnoitwhardeasypsecrtetaochriensgulat...