To further explore unique and common genes, we used Gene Ontology Term Finder ( to find associated GO terms, and Reduce and Visualize Gene Ontology (REVIGO) [33] to group terms in a two-dimensional space based on semantic similarity (Fig.5c)....
Whatever the reason, it is clear that drone photogrammetry is limited in its ability to identify females and sexual maturity in females, except when these females perform somersault feeding and allow a ventral view of their cloaca and pectoral fins. 5. Conclusions We demonstrated conclusively the ...
Through appropriate correlations it is possible to determine the effect associated with a particular temperature. In particular, IRT is applied in the building sector [12], for example, to perform non-destructive assessment to quantify energy losses due to thermal bridging [13] or to characterize ...
So, their potential implementation aims at pursuing systematic innovation based on the continuous renewal and improvement in knowledge exchange and relationships development leading to innovation in the long run. These systems optimize and manage their goals through self-reconfiguration to perform enduring ...
To gather the expert opinion needed to perform such analysis, we rely on the methodological procedure explained in the following subsection. To systematize opinion, we follow the categories introduced by the functionalist rational approach to institutional design. 2.2. Sources and Data Collection 2.2.1...
Moreover, a network able to perform field support (e.g., transport, repair, maintenance, upgrade, collection, etc.) is a prerequisite for a successful delivery of the company offering. As in the case of design, Alpha does not perform these activities internally, but can count on a strong...