How to Read a PaperAugust 2, 2013S. KeshavDavid R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of WaterlooWaterloo, ON, Canadakeshav@uwaterloo.caABSTRACTResearchers spend a great deal of time reading research pa-pers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to muchwasted effort. This...
three-pass method for reading research papers. I also describe how to use this method to do a literature survey. 论文核心-三步走战略 The key idea is that you should read the paper in up to three passes, instead of starting at the beginning and plowing your way to the end. Each pass ...
内容总结自S. Keshav教授的《How to Read a Paper》,文末有链接:(看英文原文更清晰准确) 参考文献: 【1】 S. Keshav, How to Read a Paper, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37(3), p. 83-84, 200…
use an academic search engine and some well-chosen keywords to find three to five recent papers in the area. Do one pass on each paper to get a sense of the work, then read their related work sections. You will find a thumbnail summary of the recent work, and perhaps, if you can fi...
小Z PE:《How to Read a Paper》 al. 浅译4 赞同 · 0 评论文章 1.1 如何找论文 1. 大量检索,依次阅读标题摘要,再用二分法进行筛选。 2. 判断论文是否值得读:在文献检索网站中,比如在Google学术中,查看论文的标题和摘要,了解论文解决的什么问题和所用的方法。如果还不能决定,可以看看论文发表...
How to read a paper Howtoreadascientificpaper Whybother?Journalpapersarecurrent –Textbooksareoftenyearsoutofdate Youcangetenoughdetailstoreplicatewhatyoureadabout –Adaptcuttingedgeideasandtechniquestoyourownresearch Whybother?Trainingofcriticalfaculties –Youcanseewhetheryouagreewithconclusions Becauseonedaysoon...
I can adjust the depth of paper evaluation depending on my needs and how much time I have. This paper describes the approach and its use in doing a literature survey. 2. THE THREE-PASS APPROACH The key idea is that you should read the paper in up to three passes, instead of starting...
Learning to efficiently read a paper is a critical but rarely taught skill.Beginning graduate students,therefore,must learn on their own using trial and error.Students waste much effort in the process and are frequently driven to frus-tration.For many years I have used a simple‘three-...
《How to Read a Paper | 如何阅读一篇学术论文》这是2007年ACM SIGCOMM 计算机通信评论上的一篇文章,现在读来仍然不过时。 作者介绍了一种“三遍阅读法”以及它在进行文献调研时的具体应用,可以简单高效的阅读...
Lastly, read the paper At this point, we are reasonably sure this paper is worth reading. I don’t have much good advice for this section. There are plenty of guides to reading a paper and understanding it. Instead of completely reproducing what these other guides cover, I will instead gi...