Using this information, you may choose not to read fur- ther. This could be because the paper doesn’t interest you, or you don’t know enough about the area to understand the paper, or that the authors make invalid assumptions. The first pass is adequate for papers that aren’t in yo...
XX技术 have attracted growing interest in XX领域 to achieve XX. It is a challenge on how to effectively and efficiently manage XX技术 in current and future XX领域. Unfortunately, there has been little study on XX on XX领域. The motivation of this paper is to make some initial effort i...
[1] I.H. McLean, “Literature Review Matrix,” [2] S. Peyton Jones, “Research Skills,” [3] T. Roscoe, “Writing Reviews for Systems Conferences,”http://people...
How to Read a Paper 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 本书最早与1997年出版,在2014年还更新版本,可见其实用性。(中文译作参见 [如何阅读医学论文(豆瓣)]) 书中从为何需要阅读论文说起,然后以mdline为例进行搜索教学。真正有价值的部分是“如何评价一篇论文”,从审稿人的角度详细解释了一篇合格论文应具有的要点以及...
如何阅读文献 (How to Read a Paper)本文参考自 Srinivasan Keshav 教授的论文,我导师的指导与自己总结。阅读文献“三遍论”#第一遍:泛读#大概使用 5-10 分钟步骤:仔细阅读标题 (title)、摘要 (abstract) 和简介 (Introduction) 先忽略内容,读一读文章中的每个小标题 如果有数学内容,先大致浏览,确定其理论基础...
【如何读论文】《How to Read a Paper》by S. Keshav (2016)
Learning to efficiently read a paper is a critical but rarely taught skill.Beginning graduate students,therefore,must learn on their own using trial and error.Students waste much effort in the process and are frequently driven to frus-tration.For many years I have used a simple approach ...
如何阅读论文 How to read a paper 如何阅读论文∗ 作者:S.KeShav†,译者:计军平‡ 摘要 学者们需花费大量时间阅读论文。然而,很少有人传授这项技能,导致初学者浪费了大量时间精力。本文提出了一种高效实用的论文阅读方法——“三 轮阅读法”。同时,本文也描述了如何采用该方法进行文献综述。1概述 学者们...
Learning to efficiently read a paper is a critical but rarely taught skill.Beginning graduate students,therefore,must learn on their own using trial and error.Students waste much effort in the process and are frequently driven to frus-tration.For many years I have used a simple‘three-...
How to read a paper: critical appraisal of studies for application in healthcare. 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 31 作者:M Makela,K Witt 摘要: Finding and using research results to support your professional decisions must be a systematic process, based on the principles of evidence-...