啦啦啦~撒花~在自己的勤奋努力下见缝插针地完成了How to Read a Book第二部分的阅读任务,可以说这本书最核心最精华的内容已经看完了,虽然在看这本书一些章节的过程中,对里面一些概念一看就烦然后一览而过,而不像真正的学霸死磕下去,好在现在要写笔记重新回顾并梳理了一遍,这篇笔记是这本书的第三篇读书笔记,...
Summary:This chapter focuses on whatactive readingis , why we need it, and how it happens. Chapter 1 Active reading 1.Appearance:Passive reading: the media are so designed as tomake thinking unnecessary. →he inserts a packaged opinion into his mind, somewhat like inserting a cassette into a...
somewhat like inserting a cassette into a cassette player. He then pushes a button and "plays back" the opinion whenever it seems appropriate to do so. He has performed acceptably without having had
eg. The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2007. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon. Part 2. Summary The main purpose of reading book: Gain increased understanding. Reader: Gain a large share of information and their understanding of the world from the written...
(context)到薄)3, You can combine the stating the unity with English writing.4, while earning the structure, it’s effective to read summary sentences.5, the meaning shift under different context that’s why reading different kinds of books is good for me.6, taste the grammar styles of ...
How to Write a Summary(概要) Write a summary is a great way to deal with the information you read,whether it's an article or a book.Read the piece thoroughly. You should read it without making any kinds of marks.Instead,focus on really understanding what the author is trying to say.Th...
【题目】How to Write a Summary(概要)Write a summary is a great way to deal with the information you read, whether it's an article or a book Read the piece thoroughly.You should read it without making any kinds of marks. Instred, focus on really understanding what the author is trying...
开言英文图书阅读训练课课程内容week 1 how to read a book.pdf,How to Read a Book 第一周我们要一起阅读 《How to Read a Book》,跟 Connor 老师学习本书的精华,学习如何阅读。 背景介绍: How to Read a Book, originally written in 1940 by Mortimer Adler, has bec
阅读时记笔记:认真阅读目录和序言,记下每个章节的标题、关键段落的主题句,摘录每章的主要内容 用自己的语言表述第2步的内容 主题:如何写读书笔记 主干1:明确写作目的 ①明确读者 ②介绍内容 主干2:记笔记 ①读目录 ②记标题 ③摘要点 ④多形式 主干3:用自己的语言书写 ...