啦啦啦~撒花~在自己的勤奋努力下见缝插针地完成了How to Read a Book第二部分的阅读任务,可以说这本书最核心最精华的内容已经看完了,虽然在看这本书一些章节的过程中,对里面一些概念一看就烦然后一览而过,而不像真正的学霸死磕下去,好在现在要写笔记重新回顾并梳理了一遍,这篇笔记是这本书的第三篇读书笔记,...
A roughly definition of the art of reading: Understand a book by your self. →Thus we can roughly define what we mean by the art of reading as follows:the process whereby a mind, with nothing to operate on but the symbols of the readable matter, and with no help from outside,’ elev...
or reader does not make up his own mind at all. Instead, he inserts a packaged opinion into his mind, somewhat like inserting a cassette into a cassette player. He then pushes a button and "plays back" the opinion whenever it seems appropriate to do so. He has performed acceptably withou...
The next step is to learn to understand any book you want to read in combination with the level of reading. Layered reading: improving reading comprehension The narrative about reading levels takes up most of the book, but the author makes a summary at the end of each chapter, which makes...
the process whereby a mind, with nothing to operate on butthe symbols of the readable matter, and with no help from outside,* elevates itself by the power of its own operations.The mind passes from understanding less to understanding more.The skilled operationsthat cause this tohappen are th...
Here're my personal note of How to Read a Bok. I hope it can give you some enlightment🥰PS: The form is kind of messy. If it bothers you, I'm really sorry for that ; )myself thinking🍉:chapter 1:1, life is the same. Only by doing the things exceeding your power, can you...
视频地址:如何写好读书笔记 | How to Write a Book Summary | 极简 | 发光的小路加 粉丝:3文章:1 关注 读书笔记是对一本书的精华进行提炼 提高阅读效率 加深内容理解 整合相关知识 与书产生互动 如何写好精华总结型的读书笔记 明确读书笔记的写作目的,读者是谁?向从未读过本书的人介绍其中的内容,以介绍和讲...
How to read a book? When I was in high school, a favorite teacher of mine asked me to review a book by that name-How to Read a Book, by a famous American philosopher named Mortimer Adler. When I was 17, I thought that was a stupid question- you open the book, start reading. Wh...
开言英文图书阅读训练课课程内容week 1 how to read a book.pdf,How to Read a Book 第一周我们要一起阅读 《How to Read a Book》,跟 Connor 老师学习本书的精华,学习如何阅读。 背景介绍: How to Read a Book, originally written in 1940 by Mortimer Adler, has bec