the most common cause of low hemoglobin levels is an iron deficiency1. Raise your red blood cell count by adding foods rich in iron to your diet. Include clams, meat, tofu, lentils, peas, spinach, broccoli, zucchini and grains products that have been fortified with iron, such as breakfast...
The oxygen binds to hemoglobin and the carbon dioxide is released. HowStuffWorks Within each air sac, the oxygen concentration is high, so oxygen passes or diffuses across the alveolar membrane into the pulmonary capillary. At the beginning of the pulmonary capillary, the hemoglobin in the red...
Count carbs.If you takeinsulin, you may find this easier to do. You’ll add up the number of total carbs at each meal and adjust your insulin dose as needed. For a few days, track the food you eat and what your blood sugar level is 2 hours after you finish. It'll help you see...
If you have iron-deficiencyanemia,taking iron orally or getting iron administered intravenously along withvitamin Cis often the fastest way to raise your iron levels. Iron is necessary to producehemoglobininred blood cells, which helps the red blood cells (RBCs) carry oxygen to organs and other t...
Spearmint,chamomile, ginger, peppermint, andaniseteas are all known to help get rid of gas naturally and may help amplify peristalsis if you suffer from gas. That said, avoid anise if you have recurring diarrhea since it may have a mild laxative effect. This can be helpful, however, if yo...
For example, eating before ablood glucose testwill raise your blood sugar and lead to inaccurate test results, so fasting is required. However, thehemoglobin A1c test—also done for diabetes—does not require fasting. This is because it looks at a marker of blood sugar control over the past...
The potency of the enzymes is measured in activity units like HUT (Hemoglobin Unit Tyrosine Base) for protease or FIP (Fungal Lipase Unit) for lipase. The potency determines how effective the enzyme is at breaking down specific nutrients into smaller forms that are easier to digest. It is imp...
It is important to consider the amount of alcohol you consume. While consuming a moderate amount can have some benefits, excessive consumption can significantly raise your chances of developing certain cancers, stroke, high blood pressure, liver disease, and pancreatitis. ...
If you or your child has afever, rest is important. Any activity can raise your temperature. A fever is a sign that your body isfighting off an infection. Not wasting energy on unnecessary activities allows the body to direct all of its efforts toward the task at hand. ...
To improve your health, limit your daily sodium intake to 2300 mg or less. If you are over 51 years old or have health conditions that raise blood pressure, aim for a maximum of 1500 mg per day. Reducing sodium intake even slightly can lower blood pressure by 2 to 8 mmHg. Check food...