Hatching chicken eggs at home is one of the best ways to start your flock, especially if you’re hoping to raise unique or heritage breeds. There are many commercial hatcheries that will send you day-old chicks, but the selection is often limited to the most common popular varieties. It’...
A brooder is a safe place to raise your chickens for their first few weeks of life until they are ready to move outside into a standard chicken coop and chicken run. A brooder is a box or bin where the chicks will be safe and warm. They need a lot of heat until either the weather...
Start with all of the ingredients for your homemade bread at room temperature. Take the eggs out of the refrigerator and let them warm up to room temperature ahead of time. If the recipe says to add enough flour to make a stiff dough, just add the flour until it is slightly sticky. ...
Answers to the top questions about raising backyard chickens for eggs, including how much they cost, what you need in your chicken coop, and the best breeds.
RELATED:Raising Ducks For Your Homestead How To Raise Ducks For Beginners Raising Ducks in Your Homestead Ducks are very unique animals. People usually think thatraising chickensand ducks are the same process. In some ways, they are. But, there are also a lot of differences in how to handle...
Chickens are one of the best farm animals for beginners. Start with 4 – 6 hens. Be sure to choose easy-going breeds to have a harmonious pecking order. Be sure to figure out your goals before bringing chickens home. Do you want eggs? Meat? Both? Choose friendly chicken breeds if you...
The Best Quail To Raise For Beginners Coturnix quail is one of the most popular breeds to raise for beginners, and there’s a good reason why. They reach maturity quickly, provide delicious eggs and meat, and are among the most docile breeds of quail. Coturnix quail also comes in a dozen...
“My wife and I have raised chickens for way over 25 years. We decided to switch to quails after hearing how much better the eggs were, and how much easier it was to keep them. But it was so different to having chickens! We couldn’t work out why our hatch rates were so low, and...
You could try crafts from any culture, crafts from a different period in time, or just a beginners class with some hands-on support remotely. Seems like a cool idea and it’s becoming more and more popular by the day. One still untapped niche that I think is going to keep growing is...
If you want to raise ducks for meat economically, you really need to keep your own breeding ducks. Since those same ducks can also provide your eggs,soil fertility, pest control, and endless entertainment doing that is no hardship at all. However, there are some things to consider before yo...