If nausea tends to strike when your blood sugar's low, candied ginger can give your body the one-two punch necessary to both raise your blood sugar and alleviate queasiness, says Texas-based certified diabetes educatorLinzi Cruz, RD.
The hormones your body releases to raise your blood sugar when it gets too low also make you sweat a lot. It's often one of the first things you notice when your glucose levels fall too far. Your doctor can help you track your levels and try to keep them in a healthy range with me...
Even without measuring your blood sugar levels, there are certain clues that things might not be “normal.” How do you know if you’re not successfully managing your blood sugar levels throughout the day? Common signs and symptoms not to ignore that can signify diabetes and fluctuating blood...
Your blood sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day, but if they fall too low or rise too high, you could experience a diabetic emergency. If you have diabetes, or someone you know has the condition, knowing how to recognize and respond to a diabetic emergency can be a lifesaver. Followin...
But what can you eat to help you safely raise your blood sugar levels when they fall too low? Here are some foods that can help you healthily boost your blood sugar:How can you lower your blood sugar levels? If your blood sugar level is too high, there are foods that lower ...
Green tea can also help manage your appetite and blood sugar levels, which can ultimately help with weight management, too, if consumed regularly. How much green tea should you drink? There isn’t a perfect number of cups of green...
More blood is also going to your growing uterus. This can cause a drop in blood pressure, especially when changing positions, which can make you dizzy. If your blood sugar levels get too low, you may feel faint. Recommendations: Move around often when standing for long periods. Lie on you...
Green tea can also help manage your appetite and blood sugar levels, which can ultimately help with weight management, too, if consumed regularly. How much green tea should you drink? There isn’t a perfect number of cups of green tea...
Even though over-consumption of calories fromanyfood can raise triglycerides, complex carbs can help you feel full. When you feel full and satisfied from a meal that is rich in complex carbs, you’ll be less likely to overeat or snack between meals. ...
Eat whole grainsWhole,intact grainscontain soluble fiber and niacin, both of which raise HDL and may lower LDL. Drink alcohol1-2 drinks per day can be as effective as exercise in raising HDL levels. However too much alcohol raises risk for cancer and addiction. ...