Paramyxoviruses including measles, Nipah, and parainfluenza viruses are public health threats with pandemic potential. Human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) is a leading cause of illness in pediatric, older, and immunocompromised populations. There ar
The virus can escape a broad antibody to hemagglutinin's receptor-binding site the same way it escapes narrow strain-specific antibodies: via single mutations with huge effects. In contrast, broad antibodies to hemagglutinin's stalk only select mutations with small effects. Therefore, among the ...
Influenza virus can escape most antibodies with single mutations. However, rare antibodies broadly neutralize many viral strains. It is unclear how easily influenza virus might escape such antibodies if there was strong pressure to do so. Here, we map al
He explained: “Operating at 254nm UVC, it is non-ozone producing and extremely effective in damaging the DNA/RNA of the virus. When exposed to the ultraviolet light, bacteria, viruses and fungal spores lose their reproduction capability. They quickly and effectively lose their infectivity and be...
Vpr is one of the most enigmatic viral auxiliary proteins of HIV. During the past twenty years, several activities have been ascribed to this viral protein, but one, its ability to mediate cell cycle arrest at the G2 to M transition has been the most ext
It surveys the history of two decades, when different laboratories hunted for the ‘compound’ called TMV and eventually understood its helical organization from CP subunits protecting an RNA. The RNA turned out to be the genetic blueprint of the virus. Despite these fundamental conceptual ...