Do you want to sound like a native speaker? Practice your pronunciation with me! P, F, B, and V can be difficult to pronounce, especially since some languages do not have these exact sounds in their alphabet. In this lesson I will teach you how to easily
can you explain how to pronounce can and can’t. thank you. bfiguereo Many thanks. a couple of new words along with some ideas on how to get graph description started are going to be useful. And I would really like to make a small contribution to this lesson: I’ve heard some words...
Stick with a .com domain name as it is the most popular, easy to remember, and easy to promote. Make sure it is shorter and easy to remember. Make it easy to pronounce and spell. Do not use numbers or hyphens. Usedomain name generatorsto come up with clever domain name ideas....
YOU have to have a yellow tongue to be able to PronoUnCe the tones right, thats Why Other ASianS PiCk UP ChineSe better than westerners. W00T! He gave me a reason to SUCk at tones, my tongue isnt yellow enough! ] 5 NoM that being said, despite US foreigners ObVioUS PhySiCal ...