To which we have considered interesting add two more groups: 5)The jargon of the gay community, which often is extremely brutal and other rather funny. 6)The jargon of male prisons, that somehow shows the sexual plasticity of men.
Howto get toHausGrünewald Unsleben from Frankfurt Airport Car ParaCrawl Corpus 'In light of the dramatic changes in environmental conditions through climate change we urgently need to increase our understanding ofhowanimals breed at the right time and thus are successful,' says another author on th...
When drinking wine, the Dutch tend to say ‘Santé‘ or nothing at all, because simply raising your glass to others in the acknowledgement is more important. Like the Netherlands, Germans (Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Frankfurt & Munich,) have a separate toast for beer, ‘Prost’ and for wine...
A few visitors even came up to me to compliment my bejeweled black suede boots, ask how to pronounce "hijab" and request I translate a line of Arabic calligraphy (I failed). In a sense, I felt like a modest-fashion ambassador. Outfits on display at the Contemporary Muslim Fashions exhibi...
ThroughoutHow Fiction Works, Wood writes in the manner of a dilettante: every two or three pages he selects a new subject to briefly examine, pronounce some judgment on, then discard. Many of his judgments are, as I hope I’ve demonstrated, vague to the point of saying very lit...
They drove to Frankfurt on September 3rd last year. Is your party on Friday or Sunday? We met on Valentine’s Day. Used when referring to something that is on an electronic device I am on the phone right now. Stranger Things will be on TV all day tomorrow. The kettle on the stove ...